von Prof. em. Dr. David Bathrick
1954-59 Dartmouth College, B.A.
1956 Freie Universität, Berlin
1957 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
1959-60 Columbia University
1960-62 University of Chicago, M.A.T.
1962-70 University of Chicago, Ph.D.
Professional Experience
1961-67 University of Chicago Lab School, Teacher
1969-70 St. Xavier College, Chicago, Assistant Professorial Lecturer
1969-70 Goodman School of Drama, Chicago, Lecturer
1970-76 University of Wisconsin, Madison, Assistant Professor
1976-82 University of Wisconsin, Madison, Associate Professor
1982-87 University of Wisconsin, Madison, Professor
1982-83 Humboldt University, East Berlin, GDR, Visiting Professor
1983 Free University, West Berlin, Visiting Professor
1986 Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, Visiting Professor
1987- Cornell University, Professor of German Studies, Theatre, Film & Dance, and Jewish Studies
1991-1994 Chair of the Department of German Studies
1995-2002 Chair of the Department of Theatre, Film & Dance
2003 Chair of the Department of German Studies
2005 Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., Visiting Professor
2006 University of California-Los Angeles, Visiting Professor
2006-2008 Chair of the Department of German Studies
2007 Director of Cornell Institute for German Cultural Studies
1) The Dialectic and the Early Brecht: Trommeln in der Nacht (Göppingen, 1975)
2) The Powers of Speech: The Politics of Culture in the GDR (Lincoln: U. of Nebraska Press, 1995) 1996 GSA/DAAD Book of the Year Prize
3) Film and The Holocaust before “Holocaust”: 1934-1964. (forthcoming)
1) Modernity and The Text: Re-Visions of German Modernism, co-edited with Andreas Huyssen (New York: Columbia University Press, 1989)
2) Visualizing the Holocaust: Documents, Aesthetics, Memory, co-edited with Brad Prager and Michael Richardson (New York: Camden House, 2008).
3) In-Between: Das mediale ‘Dazwischen’: Text, Bild und Ton im audiomedialen Zeitalter, co-edited with Heinz-Peter Preusser (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2011).
4) Co-Editor and Co-Founder of New German Critique, Interdisciplinary Journal of German Studies (1973- ).
Articles and Chapters in Books
1) „Anschauungsmaterial für Marx: Brecht Returns to Trommeln in der Nacht,“ Brecht Heute, vol.II (1972), 136-148.
2) „Moderne Kunst und Klassenkampf,“ Exil und innere Emigration, eds. Reinhold Grimm and Jost Hermand (Frankfurt, 1972), 89-109.
3) „Brecht’s Marxism and America,“ Essays on Brecht and Politics (Chapel Hill, 1974), 209-225.
4) „Die ästhetisch-utopische Dimension der ‚Weigerung‘ im Denken Herbert Marcuses,“ Deutsches utopisches Denken im 20.Jahrhundert, eds. Reinhold Grimm and Jost Hermand (Stuttgart, 1974), 104-119.
5) „The Dialectics of Legitimation: Brecht in the GDR,“ New German Critique 2 (Spring 1974): 90-103.
6) „An Introduction to Karl Korsch,“ New German Critique 3 (Fall 1974): 3-11.
7) „Ein Ui kommt nach Cicero: Brecht in Chicago,“ Brecht Heute, vol. IV (1975), 136-148.
8) „The Politics of Reception Theory in the GDR,“ Minnesota Review (1975):125-134.
9) „Producing Revolution: Heiner Müller’s Mauser,“ New German Critique 8 (Spring 1976): 110-121 (co-authored with Andreas Huyssen); reprinted in French in: FRICTIONS: théâtres écritures 16 (sommaire 2010): 73-85.
10) „On Leaving Exile: American Germanistik in its Social Context,“ German Studies in the United States, eds. Walter Lohnes and Valters Nollendorfs (Madison, 1976), 252-257.
11) „Agroprop: Kollektivismus und Drama in der DDR,“ Geschichte im Gegenwartsdrama, eds. Reinhold Grimm and Jost Hermand (Berlin, 1976), 96-111.
12) „Concerning Legends,“ New German Critique 9 (Fall 1976):139-152.
13) „Marx contra Nietzsche: Notizen zu einer Rezeption,“ Marx und Nietzsche, eds. Reinhold Grimm and Jost Hermand (Berlin, 1978), 98-122 (co-authored with Paul Breines).
14) „The Politics of Culture: Rudolf Bahro and Opposition in the GDR,“ New German Critique 15 (Fall 1978): 3-24.
15) „Geschichtsbewußtsein als Selbstbewußtsein: Literatur der DDR,“ Neues Handbuch der Literaturwissenschaft, vol. 22, ed. Jost Hermand (Wiesbaden, 1979), 273-314.
16) „Reading Walter Benjamin in East Berlin,“ Colloquia Germanica, 3 (1979): 246-255.
17) „Affirmative and Negative Culture:The Avant-garde in the GDR,“ Social Research (Spring 1980):166-187; reprinted in The Technological Imagination, eds. Teresa de Lauretis, Andreas Huyssen, and Kathleen Woodward (Madison, 1981), 107-122.
18) „Rudolf Bahro’s Neo-Leninism in Context,“ New German Critique 21 (Fall 1980): 147-153.
19) „Die Zerstörung oder der Anfang von Vernunft: Lyrik und Naturbeherrschung in der DDR,“ Natur und Natürlichkeit eds. Reinhold Grimm and Jost Hermand (Königstein, 1981),150-167.
20) „A One-Sided History: Brecht’s Hitler Plays,“ Literature and History, eds. Leonard Schulze and Walter Wetzels (Lanham, New York, London, 1983), 181-196.
21) „Kultur und Öffentlichkeit in der DDR,“ Literatur der DDR in den siebziger Jahren, eds. Peter U. Hohendahl and Patricia Herminghouse (Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1983), 51-82.
22) „Marxism and Modernism,“ New German Critique 33 (Fall 1984): 207-218.
23) „‚The Theater of the White Revolution is Over‘: The Third World in the Works of Peter Weiss and Heiner Müller,” in: Blacks and German Culture, eds. Reinhold Grimm and Jost Hermand (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1986), 135-149.
24) „Die Berliner Avantgarde der 20er Jahre: Das Beispiel Franz Jung,“ Literarisches Leben in Berlin, vol. II (Berlin-Ost, 1987), 45-78.
25) „Agitproptheater in der DDR. Auseinandersetzung mit einer Tradition,“ in: Dramatik der DDR, ed. Ulrich. Profitlich (Frankfurt: Suhrkamp Verlag, 1987), 128-149.
26) „Patricide or Regeneration: Brecht’s Baal and Roundheads in the GDR,“ Theatre Journal 394 (December, 1987): 434-447.
27) „Speaking the Other’s Silence: Franz Jung’s Der Fall Gross,“ in: Modernity and The Text: Revisions of German Modernism, ed. Andreas Huyssen and David Bathrick (New York: Columbia University Press, 1989), 19-35.
28) „Literaturkritik als Kulturkritik: Marxistische Tendenzen in den USA,“ Germanistik in den USA: Neue Entwicklungen und Methoden ed. F. Trommler (Westdeutscher Verlag, 1989), 122-146.
29) „Mythologies from the Age of the Golden Heart: Bela Balazs on Film and Literature,“ Millennium, 22 (Winter/Spring 1989-1990).
30) „Closing the Gaps: Erwin Piscator’s Theatre of the Spectacle,“ Journal of Communication Inquiry 131 (Winter 1989).
31) „Love, History, and Dickens:The Love of Jeanne Ney (1927)“ in: The Films of G. W. Pabst: An Extraterritorial Cinema, ed. Erich Rentschler (New Brunswick: Rutgers UP, 1990), 52-61.
32) „Breaking and Mending the National Dialogue,“ German Politics and Society: The GDR at Forty, 17 (Summer 1989): 27-38.
33) „Productive Mis-Reading: GDR Literature in the USA,“ GDR Bulletin 162 (Fall 1990): 1-5.
34) „Max Schmeling on the Canvas: The Boxer as Icon of Weimar Culture,“ New German Critique 51 (Fall 1990): 113-137.
35) „The End of the Wall before the End of the Wall,“ German Studies Review 142 (May 1991): 297-312.
36) „Cultural Studies,“ Introduction to Scholarship, ed. Joseph. Gibaldi (New York: MLA Publications, 1992), 320-342.
37) „Der ungleichzeitige Modernist: Bela Balazs in Berlin,“ Filmkultur zur Zeit der Weimarer Republik, eds. Ulrich Jung and Walter Schatzberg (Munich, London, New York, Paris: K. G. Sauer, 1992), 26-38.
38) „Crossing Borders,“ German Politics and Society 27 (Fall 1992): 77-87.
39) „Inscribing History, Prohibiting Desire: Fassbinder’s Lili Marleen,“ New German Critique 63 (Fall 1994): 133-146.
40) „Lion Feuchtwanger’s Jud Süss,“ in: Jewish Writing in Germany, eds. Sander Gilman and Jack Zipes (New Haven: Yale UP, 1996): 434-439.
41) „Anti-Neo-Nazism as Cinematic Practice: Bonengel’s Beruf Neo-Nazi,“ New German Critique 67 (Winter 1996): 133-146.
42) „Cultural Studies im Lichte der Massenmedien,” Zeitschrift für Germanistik. Neue Folge 3 (1996): 535-544.
43) „Making the National Family with the Radio: The Nazi Wunschkonzert,” Modernism/Modernity 41 (1997):116-127.
44) „Rereading Stephan Hermlin: Residues of Difference in the Postwall Public Sphere,” in: What Remains? East German Culture and the Postwar Public, ed. Marc Silberman AICGS Research Report No. 5 (Washington D.C.1997), 90-100.
45) „Die Provokation der Bilder,” Theater der Zeit 1 (1997) XLIV-XLV. Reprinted in New German Critique 73 (Winter 1998) 31-34.
46) „From UFA to DEFA: Past as Present in Early GDR Films,” in: Contentious Memories: Looking Back at the GDR , eds. Jost Hermand and Marc Silberman (New York, 1998), 169-188.
47) “Radio und Film für ein modernes Deutschland: Das Wunschkonzert,” in: Djungel Großstadt, ed. Irmbert Schenk (Marburg: Schüren Verlag, 1999), 112-131.
48) „Die Repräsentanz des Schriftstellers in der DDR,” in: Der Schriftsteller als Intellektueller: Studien und Text zur Sozialgeschichte der Literatur, ed. Georg Jäger (Tübingen: Niemeyer, 2000), 235-248.
49) „Modernity writ German: State of the Art as Art of the State,” in: Cultural History through a National Socialist Lens: Essays on the Cinema in the Third Reich, ed. Robert Reimer (New York: Camden House, 2000), 1-10.
50) „Kino in Ruinen: Gegenwarts- und Vergangenheitsbewältigung im Berliner Kino 1945-48,” in Erlebnisort Kino, ed. Imbert Schenk (Marburg: Schüren Verlag, 2000) 81-94.
51) „Rescreening the Holocaust: The Children’s Stories,” New German Critique 80 (Spring/Summer 2000): 41-58. Reprinted as “Filmische Perspektiven auf den Holocaust: Die Kindergeschichten,” in Babylon: Beiträge zur jüdischen Gegenwart 20 (2002), 95-112.
52) „Jenseits des Dramas: Deutsch-amerikanische Theaterbeziehungen und Performance-Kultur” in: Die USA und Deutschland im Zeitalter des kalten Krieges 1945-1990: Ein Handbuch, ed. Detlef Junker, Vol. II (Stuttgart/München: Deutsche Verlagsanstalt, 2001), 560-568
53) „Language and Power,” in: The Powers of Intellectuals in Contemporary Germany, ed. Michael Geyer (Chicago: U of Chicago P, 20
54) „Seeing is Believing: Hitler’s Mein Kampf as Bildungsroman,” in: Kultur und Staatsgewalt,
55) „1976: The Case of Wolf Biermann,” in: The New History of German Literature, eds. David Welbery, et. al. (Cambridge: Harvard UP, 2005)
56) “State of the Art as Art of the State:The Limits of Cinematic Resistance,” in: Flight of Fancy: New Perspectives on Inner Emigration in German Literature 1933-1945, eds. Neil Donahue and Doris Kirchner (Providence: Berghahn, 2004) 292-304.
57) “In weiter Fern, so nah: Günter Kunerts Amerikabild,” in: Jeans, Rock und Vietnam: Amerikanische Kultur in der DDR, eds. Therese Hönigk and Alexander Stephan (Berlin: Theater der Zeit, 2002); reprinted in English as “Far Away, and Yet so Close: Günter Kunert’s Image of America,” in: The Cultural After-Life of East Germany: New Transnational Perspectives, ed. Leslie Adelson (2002); reprinted in German in: Das Amerika der Autoren: Von Kafka bis 9/11, eds. Jochen Vogt and Alexander Stephan (Munich: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2006), 311-321.
58) “Teaching Visual Culture and the Holocaust,” in: Teaching the Representation of the Holocaust, eds. Marianne Hirsch and Irene Kacandes (New York: Modern Language Association, 2004), 286-301.
59) “Literature and Culture of the German Democratic Republic,” in: German Studies in the United States: A Historical Handbook, ed. Peter Uwe Hohendahl (New York: Modern Languages Association, 2003), 307-313.
60) “Re-masking Hitler: From Riefenstahl to Chaplin,” in: Unmasking Hitler: Cultural Representations of Hitler from the Weimar Republic to the Present, eds. Klaus Berghahn and Jost Hermand (New York: Peter Lang, 2005) 147-169.
61) “Cinematic Americanzation of the Holocaust: Whose Memory is it?” in: Americanization and Anti-Americanism: The Impact of American Culture on Germany after 1945, ed. Alexander Stephan (New York & Oxford: Berghahn, 2005) 128-147.
62) ”Memory and Taboo: Debating Nazi Legacies at the Turn of the Century,” in: The Many Faces of Germany: Transformations in the Study of German Culture and History Festschrift for Frank Trommler, eds. John A. McCarthy, et. al.(Providence: Berghahn, 2004)
63) “Heiner Müller, Robert Wilson und die Ästhetik des Präideologischen,” in: Die Insel vor Augen: Ein Buch von Freunden zum 60. Geburtstag von Frank Hörnigk, ed. Michael Opitz (Berlin: Theater der Zeit, 2004), 241-253; reprinted in English in: New German Critique 98 (Summer 2006): 65-76.
64) “Assmann liest Walser: Streitkultur als Erinnerungsgschichte,” in: Kulturphilosphen als Leser: Porträts literarischer Lektüren, eds. Heinz-Peter Preusser and Matthias Wilde (Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag, 2006) 368-380.
65) “‘The Sweet Science’: Zur Ästhetik des deutschen Boxen,” Brecht und der Sport eds. Therese Hörnigk and Sebastion Kleinschmitt (Berlin: Theater der Zeit, 2006) 107-118.
66) “Wessen Geschichte ist est?: Bernd Eichingers Bunkerlegende,” in: Das Böse im Blick: Die Gegenwart des Nationalsozialismus im Film, Text und Kritik, (2007) 56-71; reprinted in New German Critique 102 (Fall 207):1-16.
67) “Holocaust Before the Holocaust: Defa, Antifascism and the Camps,” in: CiNeMAS vol. 18, n° 1, 2007: 109-134.
68) “Seeing against the Grain: Re-Visualizing the Holocaust,” in: Visualizing the Holocaust: Documents, Aesthetics, Memory, eds. David Bathrick, Brad Prager and Michael Richardson (Rochester NY: Camden House, 2008) 1-18.
69) “The Incredible Afterlife of Riefenstahl’s Triumph of the Will,” in: An Anthology of New Riefenstahl Criticism, eds. Christian Pages, Ingeborg O’Sickey and Mary Rhiel (New York: Continuum Press, 2008) 73-97.
70) “Auschwitz is the Name of a Place: From Image to Icon,” in Imagining the Unimaginable: The Iconization of Auschwitz ed. Nora Alter (forthcoming)
71) “Entabuisierte Erinnerung? Deutsches Leiden im Zweiten Weltkrieg,” in Perspektiven einer europäischen Erinnerungsgemeinschaft: Nationale Narrative und transnationale Dynamiken seit 1989, eds. Wolfgang Stephan Kissel, Ulrike Liebert (Berlin: LIT Verlag, 2010) 91-104.
72) “ Taking apart the Berlin Wall Intermedially: Heiner Müller and AlexanderKluge in Dialogue ” in: In-Between: Das mediale ‘Dazwischen’: Text, Bild und Ton im audiomedialen Zeitalter, eds. David Bathrick, Heinz-Peter Preusser (Amsterdam: Rodopi, forthcoming 2011)
73) “”Stephan Hermlin,” in: Metzler Lexikon DDR-Literatur, eds. Michael Opitz and Michael Hofmann (Stuttgart and Weimar: J.B. Metzler, 2009), 126-128.
74) “Öffentlichkeit,” Metzler Lexikon DDR-Literatur, eds. Michael Opitz and Michael Hofmann (Stuttgart and Weimar: J.B. Metzler, 2009), 241-243.
75) “Billy Wilder’s Cold War Berlin,” New German Critique 110 (Summer 2010): 31-47
76) “Müllers Factory: 12 Bände, 7100 Seiten,” Theater der Zeit, 3 (März, 2009): 2
77) “The Sissy-Trilogy: From Hapsburg to Hollywood,” in: A New History of German Cinema, eds. Jennifer Kapczynski and Michael Richardson (Camden House) (forthcoming)
78) “From Auschwitz to Hollywood: Whose Memory is it,” In: Inaugural Symposium – Globalization and Comparative Humanities: Symposium Proceedings (Shanghai: Cornell-ECNU Center for Comparative Humanities, 2009) 175-188.
79) “Memories and Fantasies about and by the Stasi,” in: 20 Years On: Remembering the GDR and German Unification, ed. David Clarke (London: Palgrave Macmillan, forthcoming 2011).
80) “Der Widerstand der Ästhetik: Stephan Hermlin als ‘Public Intellectual’,” 20 Jahre Mauerfall: Diskurse, Rückbauten, Perspektiven (New York: Peter Lang, forthcoming 2011).
Professional Service
Editorial Board of Monatshefte
Editorial Board of GDR Newsletter
Editorial Board of Diacritics
Editorial Board of Ästhetik und Kommunikation
Editorial Board of Venue
Editorial Board of University of Nebraska Press
Member of Association of Teachers of German
Member of Modern Language Association
Member of German Studies Association
Member of International Brecht Society
Vice President of International Brecht Society (1978)
Member of American Association of Slavic Studies
Member of Program Committee of IREX (1984-89)
Publications Committee for MLA (1991-94)
Division of Twentieth-Century German Literature MLA (1994-99) Chair, GSA/DAAD Book Prize Committee for 2000
Advisory Board of Signale: modern german letters,cultures,& thought
Member of Institut für Kulturwissenschaftliche Deutschstudien, U. of Bremen